School Council
In order for children to achieve well, they need to take ownership of their learning and school environment and feel valued for the contributions they make. One powerful way of ensuring all children feel that they have a pupil voice within school, is to have an school house council which is integral to the life of the school.
Through an effective School council, children can learn:
- about democracy and begin to understand politics;
- more about persuading others, discussing their opinions and justifying their views;
- how to coordinate their ideas and work within leadership groups;
- how to become caring and effective leaders;
- how to listen to other people’s opinions and ideas, challenge other’s appropriately;
Each September, children in Y1-6 nominate two children to represent their classes views.
School councillors meet once a month, setting their own agenda to discuss the development of whole school issues which they feel are important to them. In addition to their own plans, they will be involved in a range of activities throughout the year such as fund raising and supporting school events.
Year 1 council representatives Year 2 council representatives
Year 3 council representatives Year 4 council representatives