Physical Education
Pupils at Riverside Academy have two hours of timetabled P.E. per week, delivered by a team of specialist coaches. Pupils are taught a variety of activities, including: dance, indoor and outdoor games, gymnastics, athletics and striking and fielding games. For children in Years 3 and 4, PE provision includes a weekly swimming lesson at the local sports centre.
Alongside the P.E. Curriculum, the children have the opportunity to participate in after school sports clubs including netball, football and rounders. These are offered at different times throughout the school year. Our specialist P.E. coaches also offer an out of school sports club from Mondays to Thursdays during term time. For details of holiday sports clubs, please contact the school office for details.
Fun, enjoyment, confidence, competence and self-esteem are the forefront of our P.E. delivery. Children in Key Stage 1 develop the fundamental skills such as agility, balance, co-ordination and basic movements. In Key Stage 2, children continue to apply and develop a broader range of skills. Opportunities are given to recognise how they can improve in different physical activities and sports and learn how to evaluate and recognise their own success.
Children are given the opportunity to participate in the local primary school competitions. This allows the children to engage in competitive (both self and against others) activities and improve their communication and collaboration skills. Throughout the year, school fixtures are arranged in many sports which enables the children to be proud to represent their school. Taster sessions are also organised so that the children can experience different sports.
Through our P.E. programme and integrated curriculum, we promote a healthy and active lifestyle, and encourage children to make positive choices for the rest of their lives.