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At Riverside Academy, we believe that the learning a foreign language provides a valuable educational, social and cultural experience for our pupils.  It helps them to develop key communication skills and extends their knowledge of how language works. Learning another language gives children a new perspective on the world, encouraging them to understand, appreciate and celebrate both their own cultures and those of others. This is vital preparation for life in a multi-cultural and multi-lingual Britain.

Under the 2014 National Curriculum, all Key Stage 2 pupils are entitled to learn a foreign language. Riverside Academy recognises the importance of this and provides age-appropriate languages learning for all children in Years 3-6. At Riverside Academy, French is the focus language.

Through the Language Angels scheme of work and resources, Riverside Academy offers a relevant, broad, vibrant and ambitious foreign languages curriculum that inspires and excites our pupils using a wide variety of topics and themes.

The four key language learning skills; listening, speaking, reading and writing is within each lesson and all necessary grammar is covered in an age-appropriate way across Key Stage 2. This enables pupils to use and apply their learning in a variety of contexts and lays down solid foundations for future language learning.