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  • Year 1 visit Coventry Transport Museum

    Published 16/02/20

    Year 1 visited Coventry Transport Museum to learn more about how transport has changed over time.

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  • Year 6 11B411 Good Deed

    Published 16/02/20

    Year 6 volunteered to clean St Bololph's church in Newbold during their Christmas Tree Festival.

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  • Year 5 11B411 Good Deed

    Published 16/02/20

    Year 5 went to our local residential home, Mill Green, to sing Christmas carols to the residents and staff.

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  • Year 2 11B411 Good Deed

    Published 20/11/19

    Today year 2 visited our local church, St. Botolph, to serve chocolate cake to our church community members.

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  • Reception 11B411 Good Deed

    Published 15/11/19

    This week, reception class were visited by Rugby firefighters. To say thank you to the firefighters, who work in our community, reception class kindly washed their fire engine for them.


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  • Platinum award

    Published 17/09/19

    Representatives from our gardening club went to Benn Hall today to recieve our Platinum Award for 'Year of Green Action'  Rugby In Bloom.

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  • Riverside Academy record 'Do they know it's Christmas? (Feed the world)'

    Published 23/12/18

    In Music lessons this half term, the children of Riverside Academy have been learning, performing and recording 'Do they know it's Christmas? (Feed the world)'.

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  • Riverside Christmas Raffle Results Drawn

    Published 18/12/18

    Congratulations to the winners of Riverside Academy's Christmas 2018 raffle!

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  • Riverside curriculum afternoons

    Published 23/10/18
    The children at Riverside Academy have shared their learning with parents and carers during curriculum afternoons.
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  • Gardening Club fruit and vegetable sale

    Published 23/10/18

    Gardening Club will be selling their harvested fruit and vegetables over the next few weeks.

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  • Performance of Cinderella

    Published 30/01/18

    We were treated to a lively performance of Cinderella by M & M Theatrical Productions last week. The children (and staff) loved the way they told the story and encouraged us all to join in with songs and chants. 

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  • Winter Day

    Published 19/01/18

    Wrap up warm- winter is still here! Read more about our winter day!

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