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Special Education Needs

Provision for SEN is modelled on the style of action and intervention outlined in the Children's and Families Act and SEND Code of Practice to ensure that maximum progress is made within the curriculum.

All children develop at different rates and schools are sensitive to this. Here at Riverside Academy we carefully monitor every child’s development and work with parents and other agencies to ensure that all children have every opportunity to achieve their very best and feel successful at school.  Sometimes children need extra help and attention to support their learning needs; this may be for a short time or for the whole of their school life.  Where this is felt necessary, their names are placed on our register of special education needs. At Riverside, we know that early identification of a child's needs is important to ensure that all children achieve their full potential. Please see our SEND flow chart that outlines our identification process. When a child is placed on the register, parents are informed and receive regular reports and invitations to meetings to discuss progress. 

Children placed on the SEND register will be taught by their class teacher, who in turn, works with other teachers and support staff. Together they ensure that the child’s targets can be put into practice. Individual children may require appropriate interventions for short periods of time during the week but for the vast majority of the time, with reasonable adjustments, they are working within a whole class environment. The overall progress towards individual targets are overseen by our Special Education Needs Coordinator or SENDco for short. If a child has needs that can not be met at a universal level, with reasonable adjustments, the school will work with external agencies such as the Specialist Teaching Service, Speech and Language and the Educational Psychology Service to gain advice around targets and appropriate provision.

If as a parent you have concerns about your child’s development, please contact the school.  We will do all we can to ensure that your child is appropriately supported and that you are kept up to date and well informed.

Our Beehive Provision

We have created a bespoke environment which provides our children with opportunities to develop their social and emotional skills so that they do well at school alongside their peers. This provision develops pupil's resilience, and independent learning so that are able to make progress and be positive members of our school community.

Transition to secondary school (Special Education Needs)

The annual reviews of year 6 children with an Education Health and Care Plan are held early in the academic year.  It is hoped that this early procedure will ensure that there is plenty of time for careful planning for a smooth transition.

The Governing Body are fully involved in the process of continual development and monitoring of the school’s SEN policy to ensure that the development of the policy is reported to parents in the Annual Governors’ Report.

Special Educational Needs Information Report

Our SEN information report aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the school’s approach to identifying and supporting pupils with Special Educational Needs (SEN), to ensure that these pupil’s make good progress and that any barriers to learning are recognized and removed as much as possible. Governing bodies of schools have a legal duty to publish an SEN Information Report on their website outlining the implementation of the governing body’s policy for pupils with SEN. This information will be updated annually.

Click below to download the report.


An Inclusion Charter has been co produced with Warwickshire schools, Warwickshire Parent Carer Voice, young people from IMPACT and Warwickshire County Council, to set out a shared inclusion vision for schools across the county.